
Legend of Galactic Heroes (銀河英雄伝説) is a saga by Tanaka Yoshiki (田中芳樹).

I know there are debates about how important the "the" is in Legend of "the" Galactic Heroes, but for this blog I decided to stay with the grammatically incorrect but first used "Legend of Galactic Heroes".

Reasons I'm Starting Fresh:

I understand that Peter/Tianren Tan has translated the first seven chapters of the first book, and Mark Ma translated the entire first book and half of the second book, but I think it will still be beneficial for me to start from the very beginning for a few reasons:

1. This version is translated from Japanese.
2. I want to keep the style consistent.
3. I have not read any of their translations so I am unfamiliar with the terminologies they used.
4. I have this burning desire to spell Reinhard's name without the "t" at the end as seen in some translations. 

Translation Philosophy:

There are two philosophies in translation: one is to stay true to the original text; the other is to translate only the essence of the original text. I don't believe one is better than the other, but since I really like the story, I want to try to stay as close to the original text as possible. This might result in some weird translations or weird styles. 

Some Final Words:

I do not consent to anyone posting my translation on their website. If you want to have my translation on your website, please just link this blog.

Viz will be releasing the official version soon. If you like LoGH, please support them.

Updated: July 2, 2015