Sunday, September 29, 2013

Part 1, Prologue – A Brief History of the Milky Way

Legend of Galactic Heroes, Part 1 – Dawn

Prologue      A Brief History of the Milky Way

...Anno Domini 2801, the center of the government moved from the third planet of the Solar System (太陽系), Terra (地球, テラ), to Aldebaran (α Tauri) (アルデバラン系) system's second planet Deolia (テオリア). There, the humans pronounced the creation of the Galactic Federation (銀河連邦), and changed the calendar to the Universal Calendar (UC) (宇宙暦), Year 1. At the same time, they began to expand infinitely towards the deepest regions and the edges of the Galaxy (銀河系). After AD 2700, the most prominent characteristics were the frequent warfare and the lack of order. This had caused mankind’s expansion towards the outer world to come to a halt. Just like energy that is about to explode, a deep crisis had been brewing.